Sunday, November 23, 2008


Courtney and I were out playing in the yard this evening so I thought I would take some pictures of the fence. I'm not sure why I started this project in October and finished it in November but it is done, other than staining it white in the spring. Thanks for your help Dad, Patrick, and Greg!


Steph said...

The fence looks great! Can we come play in your backyard sometime? By the way, the gray hair looks very dashing, Mike.

Carl and Pat said...

Hoot Katoosch! What a good looking fense. You can't even tell that one post was not in line with the others. Nice job Michael--and Greg and Patrick. Dad

Carl and Pat said...

And you even got the "swooping" done! You've got the determination of your Grandmother Clark...she always finished what she started, no matter what. Dad always comments on that when there's a job to be done that he'd like to bail out of!! Once again, you've done a fantastic job. (Mom)

Amy B. said...

Chris says..."Holy Gray...Holy Crap and nice fence...isn't it cute."