Monday, June 26, 2006

Courtney is lookin like a true "Hoosier"

Some friends of ours rented the city pool for a party so we made the most of it. Michael couldn't resist the water slide.
So maybe Michael shouldn't be hitting fly balls to Courtney before her game. At least he hit one of his own. Courtney gets her good looks from her Mother.
Kim decorated the lake house for Kinsey and Patrick's graduation party. She is amazing!
Kelly striking a pose!
Camilla decided she wanted to be one of the big girls and go off the diving board.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Day at the Zoo / Taking one for the Team

I had the day off work so I took the girls to the zoo. Nice Catfish eh?
Whoever said those softballs were soft is a freakin liar! I took one for the team, what can I say I'm a die hard. By the way we lost 15-2

Kim's Girl's Camp

ok. We are getting a lot of slack for not keeping up with our blog. We are so sorry for slacking. But, what can I say...other than these last two months are a complete blurr. Anyway, making a "not so fun" trip to Kentucky, tending to Grandpa Ray who was in the hospital three times in a week...and this week being at girl's camp for four days...yikes! I'm exhausted! Anyway, here are pics from camp. The group of girls are my youth leaders I worked with. I am so impressed with the strenghth of our youth. They are amazing. They strengthen me! Anyway, the other picture is of our ward unit. It was a wonderful experience. I urge any of you that have the chance to be a part of it to do so.

Our Other Ball Player

Courtney is doing so well in softball. She is so brave and we are very proud of her. She looks so little compared to the others. What a cutie!